Desserts have always enticed me, I guess I cook more sweet than savoury, my sweet tooth may be the reason behind it. Regardless of the reason, this fascination with desserts have sort of become an obsession. Chocolate based desserts are my go to comfort delights, everything becomes better with chocolate. I like to stock all sorts of chocolates in the right, top-most cabinet of my refrigerator. No matter what day or time you visit me, you will always find chocolates stocked up in my fridge.
I am also a huge fan of strawberries, these small, tart-sweet berries are seasonal and are available in my region only for a couple of months. This fruit has got the texture, the looks and the taste which can elevate any dish. I make the most of strawberries every year incorporating it in pancakes, frostings, jams and desserts. The best variety you find in India comes from the hill station of Mahabaleshwar in Maharashtra, I have had my fair share of those strawberries too. When I moved back to Assam almost 2 years ago, I missed the locally grown strawberries which used to fill the markets of Pune during the season. Earlier this year when I visited Kaziranga National Park I got the opportunity to visit a nursery which had recently started strawberry cultivation. I was very intrigued as this kind of farming is very rare in North-east India. The strawberries used in this Pavlova recipe are from this farm which makes it extra special.

Pavlova is a delicate Australian dessert with a crisp crust and soft, light inside topped with whipped cream and fresh fruits named after a Russian Ballerina, Anna Pavlova. The sweet and crisp meringue base pairs amazingly well with the creamy whipped cream or cream cheese and the fresh fruits cuts down all the sweetness and heaviness from the meringue and cream making it a perfect indulging dessert. Take it a step further by adding chocolate to the base to make it dangerously indulging and addictive.

Egg whites - from 6 eggs
Sugar - 300 gms
Coco Powder - 3 tbsp
Dark chocolate - 50 gms (chopped)
Vanilla essence - 1 tsp
Vinegar - 1 tbsp
Whipped Cream - 1.5 cups
Strawberries - 1 cup (sliced and whole)
Method :
1. Pre-heat oven at 120 degrees C and line a baking tray with parchment paper. Take 6 eggs at room temperature and seperate whites from the yolk. Save the yolk to use in custards or cakes.
2. Whip the eggs using an electric hand whisk, add the vinegar and vanilla essence. The vinegar will act as a stabilizer. Gradually add the sugar in batches and continue whisking till stiff peaks form. Make sure not to over-whisk your meringue. You'll know your meringue is ready when you flip the bowl and the meringue stays put instead of dropping off to the ground.

3. Add the coco powder and chopped chocolate and lightly fold in using a spatula.
4. Pile spoonfuls of chocolate meringue onto the baking tray, using a spatula shape it into a round mould. Bake it at 120 degrees C for 1.5 hours or till dry and crisp to touch. Let the meringue base cool completely in the oven with the door open to keep it from sinking. Do not worry if it develops a few cracks on the top.
5. Once cooled and ready to serve, smother with sweetened whipped cream and top with fresh strawberries. Refrain from adding the cream if you do not want to serve it instantly or it will make the meringue base soggy.
